Green Tea Ice Cream

Green Tea Ice Cream

By Rachel Davies

Sushi is one of my favourite foods. I’m definitely not the only one. The raw fish phenomenon has been taking the world by storm for years.

Driving through rural New Zealand earlier this year, when we passed through a town ready for lunch the options were: 1. Greasy roadside diner 2. Sushi.

Slowly but surely, sushi is taking over the world.

I ate my first sushi when I was 10 years old in a restaurant called Wakaba opposite Finchley Road tube station in London.

It recently closed, before reopening with tanning adverts underneath the original restaurant sign. I know because I live nearby and it makes me sad to see the reinvention of one of the original London sushi restaurants, before sushi became popular. But there we are.

It was love at first bite.

The only thing that I crave after I’ve eaten sushi is a little something sweet.

Inspired by the amazing ice cream selection at Sushi Say restaurant in Willesden Green, I started making wasabi and green tea ice creams to serve after my sushi classes as a little something sweet to finish the meal.

Plus I’m also in love with my ice cream maker.

So here’s my recipe, adapted from David Lebovitz’s wonderful book, The Perfect Scoop.

It’s quite a rich ice cream so you only need a little spoonful to balance out the meal, although you can have lots more if you like!

Green Tea Ice Cream (adapted from David Lebovitz, The Perfect Scoop)

Makes about 1 litre



250ml whole milk

150g sugar

Pinch of salt

500ml double cream

4 teaspoons matcha green tea powder

6 large egg yolks



  • Warm the milk, sugar and salt in a saucepan.
  • Pour the cream into a large bowl and whisk in the green tea powder. Set a sieve over the cream.
  • In a separate bowl, whisk the egg yolks together. Slowly pour the warm mixture into the egg yolks, whisking to stop the eggs from scrambling. Then scrape the yolk mixture back into the saucepan.
  • Stir the mixture constantly over a medium heat with a spatula until the mixture thickens and coats the back of the spatula (77-79°C if you have a thermometer). Pour the custard through the sieve onto the cream, and whisk to mix the green tea powder into the custard. Cool over an ice bath and chill in the fridge.
  • Churn in an ice cream maker until frozen and either eat immediately or keep in the freezer until you need a post-sushi dessert.
You can buy matcha green tea powder from some Japanese or Asian shops. Buy the best quality you can find as that’s the main flavour in this lovely ice cream.

Want to learn how to make more sweet treats?

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