Pink Lemonade

Pink Lemonade

By Rachel Davies

IMG_1173It’s hot out there. Wow, what a summer! We’ve had the big windows in the bedroom open every night for weeks, with the air so still that the curtains barely move.

I’ve never bought a fan, because we’ve only thought about having one for one night every summer, but it turns out it’s an investment worth making.


The days this summer have been gorgeous – sunny, warm, and dependable, which is the best – to know that the weather will hold for next week’s barbecue.


Ironically this has been my first summer of shade searching. Babies and sun don’t go well together, and so I no longer bask in the sun, but search for shade, walking on the cooler side of the street, and taking refuge under trees in the park.


Homemade drinks are refreshing, and a fun way of keeping cool. Especially in this heat, the contrast is essential, with the cool liquid slipping down your throat as you sip.

Having a jug of pink lemonade in the fridge is knowing that a refreshing drink is close to hand, and the colour is bright and fun, and suitably bold for sipping outdoors in the sunshine. Decorate the glasses with cocktail umbrellas and retro stripy straws and you’re laughing.




Pink Lemonade

Makes 1 jug



4 unwaxed lemons, washed

120g caster sugar

100g fresh or frozen raspberries

Ice to serve


  • Pare strips of zest from the lemons with a vegetable peeler, removing as little white pith as possible.
  • Juice the lemons.
  • In a large bowl mix the juice, zest, sugar and raspberries with 1.2 litres of boiling water. Stir well and leave for half an hour.
  • Sieve the mixture into a jug, pressing with the back of a spoon to get all the liquid out. Chill in the fridge.
  • Divide the ice between the glasses, and pour over the lemonade.


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If you’d like to make more great summer recipes, why not give these a try:

Summer loving with delicious Sicilian Caponata

Impress with this Beetroot and Orange Gravadlax

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