5 tips for how to be a great host

5 tips for how to be a great host

By Rachel Davies


One thing I’ve noticed that tends to ruffle even the calmest feathers is hosting a dinner party. Suddenly, with friends coming over, plans become even more elaborate, and ambition can triumph your better judgment.

I know because I’ve been there.

So here are my top tips to be a calm host. Remind yourself of these before embarking on your dinner party; plan a little, breathe, and it will be fabulous!

IMG_42141. Be prepared

Make ahead needs to be your mantra. Choose your menu based on what can be made in advance, the more the better, and absolutely don’t allow any last minute frying or fiddly bits. No one can stay pristine standing over a frying pan with a table full of waiting guests, and those fiddly bits can be done when you just have one person to impress. Or when you’re working in a restaurant. It’s not worth the hassle!

2. Is now really the time to experiment?

Do things you know work, and save the recipe testing for another time. In all honesty, I don’t follow this one, as people at my table are generally trying something I’m making for the first time, but if you don’t like surprises (and I’m thinking about Bridget Jones’ blue soup here) then go for dishes that you know will work. It makes it all much calmer.

3. Keep it simple

Remember that people are there to enjoy themselves, not for a gourmet experience. Simple food done well is a joy to eat, and if that’s your goal then you won’t go wrong. In winter, a beautifully seasoned stew, in summer, grilled meat or fish, and some tasty and colourful salads – your guests will be asking for seconds.


4. Stick it all on some platters

I’m not a fan of elaborate plating up. You are not operating a high end restaurant and it’s much more fun to be with your guests than stuck in the kitchen. My favourite kind of meal is a table heaving with delicious dishes, and the ability to help myself, so lay it all out in big dishes and ask everyone to tuck in.


5. Keep the drinks flowing

And finally, serve enough drinks and everyone’s happy. Start with a tasty cocktail, follow with some good wine, keep it coming and remember to enjoy yourself!


Want to learn how to make more delicious food? Sign up to Rachel’s classes or to the Rachel’s Kitchen newsletter.

If you’d like to make more great recipes, why not give these a try:

Vegetable loving with a delicious Sicilian Caponata

Impress with this Beetroot and Orange Gravadlax

Or try some tasty Hot Chilli Jam