Amazing Cheesy Vegan Popcorn

Amazing Cheesy Vegan Popcorn

Sometimes it’s snack time. I know this as someone who loves a good snack (but then, who doesn’t?) and also as the parent of a 4-year-old who leaves school each day wanting food immediately!

I’m also an advocate of savoury snacks. As I read more and more about sugar spikes that leave us craving even more sweet food, I would much rather eat, and give my children, healthy savoury snacks.

The nutritional yeast here is full of B Vitamins, and the popcorn is vegan and surprisingly moreish.

Give it a go if you have a film to watch, or if you and the people in your life would appreciate a tasty, portable snack. It’s really good!

Cheesy Vegan Popcorn (makes 1 large bowl)


100g corn kernels

3 tablespoons olive or coconut oil


For the seasoning

3 tablespoons nutritional yeast flakes

1 tablespoon paprika

½ – 1 teaspoon fine sea salt, to taste

4 tablespoons olive oil



  • For the seasoning, grind together the nutritional yeast flakes, paprika and ½ teaspoon salt in a pestle and mortar, and set aside.
  • Heat the 3 tablespoons of oil along with the corn kernels in a large, heavy-based saucepan with a lid over a medium heat. When you hear the kernels sizzle, put the lid on and shake the pan every few minutes. The corn should start popping gradually, and then more frequently. Keep shaking the pan regularly until the pops slow down to one every few seconds.
  • Remove from the heat and rest the lid slightly open for a few minutes to let out some steam.
  • Pour the popcorn into a large bowl and while still hot, toss well with the olive oil until it is all coated.
  • Sprinkle over the seasoning, mixing well to coat all the popcorn, and add more salt to taste.

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