Overnight Oats – Making Mornings Simpler

Overnight Oats – Making Mornings Simpler

Mornings can be crazy. They can also be zen-like and calm, with tea, newspapers, quiet background music, time to reflect and to think about the day.

But not my mornings.

They generally start (too) early, and are punctuated by screams as my 4 year old taunts my 2 year old, and cries as he retaliates. And then he calms down and draws on the sofa…

So anything that helps is a bonus, and making a bowl of overnight oats is part of the way towards taking some of the stress out of the morning.

They will also help if you are not dealing with small children and want your breakfast pre-prepared, or if you are running out of the door and can fill a container with these to eat on the train/at your desk/wherever you will be when in need of breakfast.

They are nutritious and filling and will give you a good start to the day.

What else can we ask for?!

Overnight Oats

Serves 2



100g rolled oats

375g milk of your choice

1 tablespoon chia seeds

1 tablespoon linseed/flaxseed

1 apple, grated

A big dollop of yoghurt or kefir

Optional extras: nuts, pumpkin seeds, cacao nibs, dried cranberries, frozen berries



  • All you need to do is to stir everything together in a bowl in the evening, making sure all the chia seeds are covered in liquid.
  • Leave it in the fridge and enjoy the next morning.